Eric Johnson
Executive Managing Director - National Healthcare Advisory Services
Eric serves as National Director for Transwestern’s Healthcare and Life Sciences Advisory Services Group. He is responsible for overseeing leasing, tenant advisory, investment sales and development for healthcare clients across the country. He has over 25 years of experience in healthcare and life science real estate and has been consistently recognized as one of Transwestern’s top national producers.
Blake Williams
Chief Operating Officer - Healthcare Advisory Services; Laboratory + Life Sciences
Blake directs the acquisition, development and asset management of healthcare property investments across the United States in close coordination with Transwestern?s Investment Group, Development Company and Healthcare Advisory Services Group.
Lisa Bovermann
Senior Vice President
Lisa Bovermann specializes in providing healthcare real estate solutions to investors, developers, and healthcare providers. As Senior Vice President within the Gulf Coast region, Lisa has been in commercial real estate since 2009, bringing experience dedicated to medical assets, providing a complete spectrum of transaction management services specializing in tenant advisory services, investment sales services for hospital systems, physician groups, specialty groups, behavioral health operators, and public & private healthcare real estate investors. Her expertise in landlord advisory and occupier solutions in healthcare leasing allow her to apply a complete understanding to any healthcare opportunity, resulting in optimal outcomes for clients she represents in the marketplace. She takes a proactive approach to marketing medical properties with a focus on building relationships throughout the growing healthcare community.
Chris Boyd
Senior Associate
Samantha Bowser
Senior Brokerage Coordinator
Marianne Burish
Executive Vice President
Marianne is a multi-disciplinary practice leader in Transwestern’s Milwaukee office. As a trusted strategic partner, she brings an advisory approach and a “best-in-class” platform to create successful outcomes for tenants, building owners, investors and developers in today’s challenge-filled yet opportunity-rich real estate marketplace.
Justin Brasell
Executive Managing Director
Justin serves as Executive Managing Director of Transwestern’s Healthcare & Life Sciences Advisory Services Group and leads the Houston Healthcare & Life Sciences Brokerage Team. With 17 dedicated professionals, the Team leases over 8 million square feet of clinical & lab space, more than any other local firm, and has transacted over 2,000 lease and building sales in the last 5 years. The team specializes in agency leasing, tenant representation, investment services and strategic account management.
John Bagwell
Senior Chief Engineer
John is currently Chief Engineer of four medical office buildings totaling 800,000 sq. ft. In addition, he oversees over 600,000 sq. ft. of garages and sky bridges, located in the Memorial Hermann Hospital Campus on Gessner in Houston. 
Sharon Collins
Assistant Property Manager
Bernard Cortez
Kim Chavanel
Senior Property Manager
Ashley Cassel Byrd
Senior Vice President
Ashley has been a leader on the Transwestern Healthcare Advisory services group since 2012. Serving as Senior Vice President, she is responsible for leasing over 2.7 million square feet of a medical office building portfolio in the greater Houston area. Her deep roots in the Houston medical community allows her the opportunity to execute direct deals with some of Houston's largest healthcare providers. Ashley is an innovator in marketing and several of her creative ideas have become national marketing standards within Transwestern.
Christian Connell
Vice President
Christian is a Vice President on Transwestern’s Healthcare & Life Sciences Advisory Services Group. He is responsible for leasing over 2.8 million square feet of a medical office, life science and Ambulatory Surgery Center portfolio in the greater Houston area. He also specializes in Tenant Representation for Physicians, Healthcare, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, and Life Science clients. His portfolio includes properties in The Medical Center, Midtown, Museum District, Bellaire, Spring, Katy, Sugar Land, and Kingwood. He is actively engaged in business development, leasing, marketing, and research.  
Sarah Carter
Vice President
Sarah is a Vice President in Transwestern’s Healthcare & Life Sciences Advisory Services Group. She has a decade of dedicated healthcare knowledge and experience, which she utilizes to serve her clients. Specializing in Agency Leasing, Sarah is responsible for the marketing and leasing of over 1.2 million square feet of medical office buildings in Houston and surrounding markets for institutional clients. Her portfolio includes buildings in The Medical Center, Bellaire, Kingwood, Northwest, Conroe, Texas City, Lake Jackson, and Baytown.
Michelle Castro
Assistant Vice President
Michelle Castro serves as an Assistant Vice President on Transwestern’s Healthcare Advisory Services Groups. She specializes in working with owners and users of medical office on agency leasing, tenant representation, investment services and strategic account management.
Brooks Creech
Vice President, Healthcare Investment Sales Group
Brooks is responsible for the underwriting and execution of capital markets transactions for healthcare owners. Outside of transactions, he also serves as a strategic advisor on a 17 million square foot healthcare portfolio evaluating all aspects of optimizing a real estate portfolio including development initiatives, cost saving measures and location analysis.
Heinrich Cronje
Senior Associate
Heinrich is currently a Senior Leasing Associate at Transwestern. He is responsible for leasing over 1.2 million square feet of medical office and life science assets in the greater Houston area. His portfolio includes properties in The Medical Center, Midtown, Downtown, Museum District, Bellaire, Spring, Katy, Sugar Land, Kingwood, and The Woodlands. He is actively engaged in healthcare business development, leasing, investment sales, marketing & research, and tenant representation for hospitals and physicians.
Justin Davis
Justin Davis is an Associate Leasing Agent on Transwestern's Healthcare & Life Sciences Advisory Services Team. He is responsible for leasing over 1.1 million square feet of medical space around the greater Houston area.

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